Love is a circle of Light
that gives as it receives
in the same moment.
We all need to feel okay. We begin to heal when we can find a little peace within ourselves.
On this website, we are all about honoring and protecting everyone.
Perhaps you feel alone or different from the people around you. This can make you feel depressed or angry. This universe is chokablock full of many different species, talents, sexual preferences, social traditions, sciences, arts, and opinions. In a perfect world, all these differences would be accepted and appreciated, but in our current society, many people are not advanced enough to know this.
Your Guardian Angel exists to help you by guiding you to the right people and support resources. Perhaps this page is one of them. The following videos are about sexual differences, but you can apply the positive messages to any aspect of your life. The videos are full of hope, and you may email me or contact one of our advisors if you need to reach out to someone.